MMA 2017 Navratri Dandiya event
Saturday Sept 30th, 2017
6:30 PM – 11:30 PM EDT
Venue – DeSana Middle School , 625 James Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004
Free Event for MMA Members
Walk-in Fee – $15
Food – $5 (optional. if needed you must RSVP else no food)
Dandiya – $5 (optional)
MMA will have boxed dinner/snacks available based on the RSVP count response we receive. So please do not forget to RSVP for food and please reach on time for the event!
Event will be celebrated in the school gymnasium hall. Please note that food is not allowed inside the school gym area.
Program schedule:
Registration: Starts @6.30pm
Food box distribution: Will be available @7pm onwards until they last
Bhondlaa: 7.30 -8 PM
Durga Maata Aarti: 8-8.15pm
Raas Garba, Dandiya & Bollywood music: 8.15-11.30pm
An interval for 15 mins between Raas Garba and Dandiya